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Kim Roberts Freedom Group

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Active Sky 2012 Vs Active Sky Next Crack

How Can Supermassive Black Holes Drive the Evolution of Entire Galaxies?Francesco TombesiUMDTuesday, Jan 12, 2016AbstractPowerful winds driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN) are often invoked to play a fundamental role in the evolution of both supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies, quenching star formation and explaining the tight SMBH-galaxy relations. A strong support of this "quasar mode" feedback came from the recent X-ray observation of a mildly relativistic accretion disk wind in an ultraluminous infrared galaxy and its connection with a large-scale molecular outflow, providing a direct link between the SMBH and the gas out of which stars form. Spectroscopic observations, especially in the X-ray band, show that such accretion disk winds may be common in local AGN and quasars. However, their origin and characteristics are still not fully understood. Detailed theoretical models and simulations focused on radiation, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) or a combination of these two processes to investigate the possible acceleration mechanisms and dynamics of these winds. Some of these models have been directly compared to X-ray spectra, providing important insights into the wind physics. However, fundamental improvements on these studies will come only from the unprecedented energy resolution and sensitivity of the upcoming missions ASTRO-H (launch date early 2016) and Athena (2028).

Active Sky 2012 Vs Active Sky Next Crack

Had my Z3 for 2 whole months before the screen cracked while it was in my hoodie pocket. After sending my phone to sony for assessment and repair, Sony refused to cover what they called physical damage. I ended up having to fork over $240 cdn after tax, as well as the $30 cdn it cost me to ship it to them. Now I'm terrified when i get it back that this delicate screen will crack again. I will NEVER buy a sony product knowingly again. Next time it's either the galaxy s5 active or the droid turbo.

Indeed they shouldn't. There are MUCH more interesting and *serious* subjects out there, looking for the DPR staff to report / publish reviews / tutorials on. Anything iPad & pen-based is simply not worth publishing as, again, anyone seriously into tablet pen-based input won't bother with the iPad. This app (just like with any other pen apps on the iPad) a very expensive but still, compared to the active input methods, pretty much useless toy. This is why consider it a waste of time and energy to even bother with publishing articles on anything iPad + pen.

The Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) of the ACIS CCDs continues toincrease at an acceptable rate: 3.2*10^-6 (2.3%) per year for thefront-illuminated devices and 1.0*10^-6 (5.9%) per year for theback-illuminated. Monitoring of contamination buildup on the ACISOptical Blocking Filer shows that the transmission at 0.7 keV may havedecreased by slightly more than the current model indicates. Aninvestigation is underway to determine if this is a real effect or theresult of a bias in the data analysis as the flux from the radioactivecalibration source continues to decrease over the mission. No actionsare required in response to these trends.

We are also preparing for the 2008 NASA Senior Review, which willexamine XMM-Newton's successes in the past two years and considercontinued funding through 2012. We invite users to alert the XMM GOFto significant science results obtained with XMM-Newton to include inthe next report to the Senior Review. The scientific report to the2006 Senior Review is available at

In the beginning of February a large X-ray burst from the anomalousX-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61 was found. This triggered TOO observations onINTEGRAL which were implemented in a record time in revolution 528. Inthe meantime, the high-mass X-ray binary IGRJ 11215-5952, had becomeactive and also triggered TOO observations, which were done arevolution later, i.e. in revolution 529.

The 2006 senior review recommendation was for RXTE operations tocontinue through February 2009. Although the Cycle is intended to endDecember 25, based on past performance we likely would not be donewith the observations that the Cycle was committed to finish or withsome TOO observations of some active transient. If the 2008 SeniorReview confirms this schedule of turn off for RXTE, we will addressthen what would be the most important observations to make in 2009 tofinish the mission (though this would be constrained because thegalactic center will be too close to the Sun at that time).

In November 2006 the black hole transient GX 339-4 became activeagain, for the fourth time during RXTE's lifetime. The outburst hasbeen showing similar, but noticeably different progress and will addanother point to the correlation between waiting time and luminositiesat the state transitions that Wenfei Yu (Shanghai AstronomicalObservatory) and colleagues have reported for recurrent transients.

The GLAST-sponsored "Solar Supernova?" interactive web game has nowbeen released at In the mystery ProfessorStarsapoppin tries to figure out what will happen to our Sun bystudying the evolution of many different types of stars.

On the technical side of the program, the optics team is continuingtheir efforts. Mirror coating stress studies, mirror alignmentconcepts (both active and passive), mirror mounting schemes, glassstrength studies, optimization studies of the mirror segment size, andthe mirror segment fabrication efforts have all continued.

In addition to supporting the public meetings of the BEPAC, theProject has responded formally to a series of questions from the BEPACon a variety of technical and programmatic questions. The first set of39 detailed questions was received in mid December, and a response duenear the end of January, it was a very active holiday season for theteam. Another set of 9 questions came from the committee in lateMarch, and responses were submitted in early April, and we arecurrently working on the last question that we just received. Thecommittee's final report to NASA and DOE is due out in earlySeptember, and we want to thank everyone who has helped in preparingour responses, as well as those who have gone to the effort ofpresenting their thoughts to the Committee!


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